Thursday, April 21, 2011


Date collected: April 18, 2011
Location: Collected alongside grass next to the tennis courts at Westwood Park
Nativity: Not native to California (Native to Europe & Asia)
Scientific name: Taraxacum officinale
Other names: Dandelion, Blowball, Faceclock
Habitat: Although Dandelions are not native to the United States, they are very widespread throughout the country. They are generally found in grassy lawns, fields, meadows, along roads, and even in cracks of sidewalks (places of lower altitudes).
Special notes: It is considered as a pesky weed, but it is not actually harmful to grasses because their roots are deeper in the ground and are beneficial to worms. Many people find merriment of blowing the seeds; it is believed to grant a wish to the person that is able to get all the seeds off the receptacle with one blow of air. Dandelions also have a medicinal use; they were used by the Native Americans to treat sore throats and as a laxative.


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